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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 18:53:34
by cmplxty7
I unloaded the dishwasher, and loaded it - but I forgot that we had to buy more dishwasher soap - so just know that the dishes in the dishwasher are dirty even though there is no soap in it.

Jarin is sleeping - I thought he was just going to take a nap - but he's been out for an hour and a half! WTF is going on with him?!?!

I officially signed up for Weight Watchers online today - used MY OWN credit card to do it :) I get 24 points a day and 35 spare points per week. I REALLY hope this works - I may need some GENTLE encouragement and help staying in check with it, especially with how much we eat out.

And lastly, I would like you to get on my finances ASAP. I will check my bank account and see if the deposits are there & let you know so you can verify or whatever you need to do. We will have to communicate very well, to be sure money is where it needs to be when it needs to be. I know I make enough that you can get my medical bills and student loans paid off easily. I also plan on calling to possibly set up monthly payments with them, but would like paid off as soon as possible. Then once that is all organized, I want to get a car! I have grown partial to the Tribecas online, and they are pricey!

oop - booger is waking up, so I am going to make him a bottle!

Re: today

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 18:58:30
by cmplxty7
oh - and yes I will do some laundry! :kiss:

Re: today

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 19:58:14
by madd74
yeah, I had reminded you, so not my fault :p

he must be hitting a growth spirt, or maybe his teething issue is causing it. congrats on WW, I hope that goes well for you. speaking of your CC, you might want to sign up with them online, especially for the following...

yeah, the whole point of me linking to your account is so I can just take over finances and get things squared away with you. remember to visit your bank and set up online banking as that will make life easier with straightening things out. if you let me do this, and you start working hard on getting your actual bills paided (including me), I would actually co-sign your loan with you, to ensure that you get a better rate, and also work on your credit (for putting you on the card is just a name, I am sure it does not affect your actual credit score since I gave no personal information about you).

do not forget to attend to your dog. love you and call you ni a few.

Re: today

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 17:52:04
by cmplxty7
how is your day today? I hope it is going well. Jenny said you were running late - hope that doesn't have too much negative impact on your day. I know you never heard anything on that job, since you never said anything to me, so I think you should follow up to at least see if it is filled or still open or whatever - force them to acknowledge you!

I am depressed a little. You have been wonderful to me, and I appreciate it so much. I just feel so very bad, and wish I could undo several things. Jarin is such a bright spot in my day :) Though he is just sleeping now - I love to be around him (MOST of the time). I'm so tired! I was awake last night when we went to bed until probably 4. Then my alarm went off around 5. ugh. TGIF!!!