I love you!
Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 21:04:13
I miss chatting with you online. Oh well - soon you will be home to chat with
Your stuff I ordered for you (minus the one on backorder) is in the bag on the table, and your mail is on top of it.
The basement phone is out, too, as Jarin lost my cell phone and I had to call it to find it! He had apparently dropped it between the pack-n-play and the wall, and it was under the back edge of the pack-n-play.
And HOW have you managed to do so much overtime for so long?!! I have only worked almost 6 hours OT so far and think I might die! OK, maybe not die, but definitely pass out at my desk at some point :P
Well, I don't even know if you'll get this tonight...but I LOVE YOU!
Your stuff I ordered for you (minus the one on backorder) is in the bag on the table, and your mail is on top of it.
The basement phone is out, too, as Jarin lost my cell phone and I had to call it to find it! He had apparently dropped it between the pack-n-play and the wall, and it was under the back edge of the pack-n-play.
And HOW have you managed to do so much overtime for so long?!! I have only worked almost 6 hours OT so far and think I might die! OK, maybe not die, but definitely pass out at my desk at some point :P
Well, I don't even know if you'll get this tonight...but I LOVE YOU!